Social Justice

Ok Ladies, Now Let’s Get in Formation

(Do you know how long I’ve wanted to use that title?)


Two nights ago, Black Girls Rock Inc. hosted the tenth annual event, (of the same name) on BET and it was EVERYTHING!! A whole night celebrating the magic that is black girls! I’ve been waiting for an event like this since I was a kid. I never even imagined it’d become a full-scale televised event! It’s truly history in the making.

I was living for young girls presenting artists, an audience full of black women of all ages, and black artists and public figures, such as Gladys Knight, Shonda Rhimes, and Rihanna being recognized for their amazing work. I was especially living for Amandla Stenberg saying amazing things about what it means to be a black girl, and what “black girl magic” really is. Also making the powerful statement, “My blackness does not inhibit me from being beautiful and intelligent. In fact, it is the reason I am beautiful and intelligent. And you cannot stop me.” (PREACH)   (honestly, if I could have one celebrity friend it’d be her, no doubt, she’s amazing)

Now, with all this beautiful positivity and love for black girls in the media recently, some are wondering why this is even necessary. Why do we need to have an entire awards show based on black girls? Why can’t we just talk about all girls? Or better yet, all people??

Because black girls are constantly attacked in everyday society. Not even in a political sense. We’re told that we are ugly, trashy, loud, and angry. Even by black men! After years of being told that we’d be better if we weren’t black, it’s finally time that we celebrate the fact that we are black and that it’s a big part of our beauty, inside and out. Events like Black Girls Rock give young black girls who grow up being told they’re worthless a sense of self love. Just being able to see girls in the media that look like us and being called powerful, beautiful, or intelligent can be so inspiring. We need more event like this, because the joy I get, and the joy I see other girls get is so powerful and strong. I honestly feel my heart swell with pride when I think of how much we’ve accomplished.

But every day (sadly) can’t be a red carpet celebration of black girls. So in your everyday life, remember, no matter what anybody says to you, or how much it might get on your nerves that someone refuses to see that you’re important, just live by what Bey has taught us:tumblr_o25gueJtv41qlsrn9o1_500.gif

(I’m sorry, I had to)

*Picture from Teen Vogue

*Gif from Tumblr

If you want to learn more about Black Girls Rock Inc., they have a website!

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